I would rather be a teacher than a bookkeeper
For he balances accounts, but I help balance lives.
I would rather be a teacher than a great business executive
For he works with facts and figures and lifeless coins, but I
work with minds that open and futures that unfold and
principles that grow.
I would rather be a teacher than an orator
For an orator stirs an adult to applaud and admiration, but I
stir little children to right choosing and noble thinking.
I would rather be a teacher than a musician
For a musician plays on violin strings and piano strings, but I
play on the heartstrings.
I would rather be a teacher than a decorator
For he deals with perspective and harmony and line in
templates not made with hands.
I would rather be a teacher than a potter
For he shapes vessels of clay, but I shape destinies.
I would rather be a teacher than an interpreter
For he interprets words and ideas, but I interpret motives and
purposes and endeavours.
I would rather be a teacher than an archaeologist
For he unearths buried treasure, but I unearth talent.
I would rather be a teacher than an explorer
For he explores unchartered seas but, I explore unchartered
minds and discover treasure islands and continents of
untold possibilities.
I would rather be a teacher than a statesman
For he deals with finished citizens but I deal with future citizens.
I would rather be a teacher than a scientist
For he studies the wonders of the rocks and beauty of
the stars and the miracles of the plants and the glory of the skies
I deal with that which is still more miraculous in the
throbbing human hearts, unfolding human lives and the
formation of lifetime characters.
Journal of True Education, October 1958
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